NOD32 AntiVirus 3.0.551.0

Unique to ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0:
• Hands-on service – All ESET customers receive the same level of excellent technical support service, whether an individual computer user or an SMB.
• Ease of installation – ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0 scanning engines are quick and easy to install, no matter what solution is currently running.
• Advanced threat protection network – ESET solutions are backed by ThreatSense.Net, a global early warning system built into the products. ThreatSense.Net extends the power of ThreatSense’s powerful analytics by automatically submitting samples of and information about new malware to ESET researchers for analysis, thus helping to close the window of vulnerability opened by new threats.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus + Antispyware:
• This component is in fact an improved version of the award-winning scanning engine of NOD32 Antivirus v2.7. With respect to program's unprecedented scanning speed, the following improvements have been made:
• Improved system of cleaning and deleting infiltrations. The antivirus system now intelligently cleans and deletes infiltrations with no need for user interaction.
• Computer scan can be run in background in order to use only a part of system resources. Thus scanning will not affect the
performance of your computer and you will be able to work on it as usual.
• The resident protection supports archive scanning.
• Update optimization, smaller update package size than in version 2.7, more effective management and protection of update files against damage.
• Email protection for users of Outlook Express.
Скачать NOD32 AntiVirus 3.0.551.0 32-bit (14,54 Мб):
Скачать NOD32 AntiVirus 3.0.551.0 64-bit (15,58 Мб):
p.S. В комплекте есть несколько ключей. Если их забанят или уже забанили, то, как и раньше, если напишите мне в icq, то возможно дам рабочий ключ к нод32 (сразу предупрежу, чтобы потом не было обид и оскорблений в мой адрес: всем подряд не даю ключ, так как мне часто пишут хамы и ... не хочу ругаться, которым не светит получить ключ).
p.p.S. "Рабочесть" ключей подтверждается скриншотом программы (см. выше) с базой от 02 ноября 2007 года.
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